Applications of our mobile solutions for Networks

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Maintenance and Inspections

With the introduction of RIIO for transmission and distribution utilities, taking control of your work delivery and inspection processes and understanding the condition of your assets has never been as important.

Our mobile workforce management solutions offer the highest levels of businesses flexibility and control, allowing maintenance and inspection processes to be streamlined. Generates a rich level of robust data with full asset-context and traceability to feed asset health and work management indices ensuring that decisions are underpinned by empirical evidence.

Fieldreach is especially suited to inspecting above-ground assets including substations overhead lines, poles and towers as well as pipes, valves, pumps and regulators. All types of inspections can be accommodated from routine and cyclic inspections, to the more detailed condition inspections used to formulate a complex risk profile. Fieldreach will also manage planned maintenance work, capturing not just the task completion and compliance data, but also asset-specific information such as the oil level and temperature on a transformer.

Geofield provides mobile geospatial capabilities allowing Field teams to view, interrogate and interact with their network data in an offline mobile environment. Geofield provides comprehensive map-based workflows such as calculating risk from a network escape, understanding the customer impact or performing Network updates when data inconsistencies are identified, or changes to the network are completed following a repair or replacement. Geofield also works with high-accuracy GPS devices to enable network businesses to understand precise asset locations.

Faults, Emergency & Repair

Faults and Emergency activities are an inevitable part of managing an energy network and demand a quick response from a skilled and geographically-disperse workforce. With a strong focus on customers, restoration of service in the least amount of time is a permanent challenge for a utility.

Fieldreach is an ideal solution for fault management as it can receive reactive work, including job details, location and asset information in a matter of seconds from a back-office fault response system.

Fieldreach can help locate suspected fault locations quickly, conduct damage assessments and record job progression details such as accepted job; travelling; arrived on site; restored service and left site which helps to keep customer service representatives informed in near real-time when dealing with customer contact.

As the solution can also manage a copy of the asset hierarchy, any additional or follow-on work can be captured against assets which may not have contributed to the observed fault, but which may have needed, or will need additional work, ensuring all work is recorded against the correct asset.

Add to this the ability to view the GIS network model, historic maintenance, inspections and other asset information and the fault responder is empowered with much of the detailed information not normally available to mobile-workers.

Vegetation Management

Like many industries managing linear networks, energy companies need to regularly inspect and maintain vegetation that encroaches on the assets. By viewing vegetation as a risk to your assets, maintenance systems can help to ensure that cyclic activities are carried out in a timely fashion to reduce the risk of damage and faults.

Our mobile solutions include all the features necessary to manage vegetation inspections, including capturing photographs, land owner and any risk characteristics as well as marking up the GIS with areas to be cut or identifying defects. A mobile inspector can even call up historic inspections live from their device to help better understand the actions to be taken; this includes the ability to draw down historic photographs.

Inspections are only part of the capability of our mobile offering. Where follow-up work is required, the details can be captured in the first instance and, once the work has been planned, scheduled and despatched, the solution can manage the workflow for tree-cutting or other maintenance activities.

Metering and Connections

Metering and connection businesses have a high-degree of customer contact, needing to make appointments, carry out surveys, prepare quotations and manage, maintain and replace metering, cut-out and other network termination equipment on and near customer premises within tight, regulated timescales.

Our mobile workforce management solutions support these key business processes, increasing the number of possible appointments by reducing the need to return to an office or depot, reducing administration by eliminating paperwork and improving customer satisfaction by providing data that is right-first-time.

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